Friday, 19 September 2014

Libgdx's Application Life-Cycle and Interface

Libgdx's Application Life-Cycle and Interface

The Application Life-Cycle in Libgdx is a well-defined set of distinct system
states. The list of these states is pretty short: create, resize, render, pause,
resume, and dispose.
Libgdx defines an ApplicationListener interface that contains six methods, one
for each system state. The following code listing is a copy that is directly taken from
Libgdx's sources. For the sake of readability, all comments have been stripped.
public interface ApplicationListener {
  public void create ();
  public void resize (int width, int height);
  public void render ();
  public void pause ();
  public void resume ();
  public void dispose ();
All you need to do is implement these methods in your main class of the shared
game code project. Libgdx will then call each of these methods at the right time.

The following diagram visualizes the Libgdx's Application Life-Cycle:

Note that a full and dotted line basically has the same meaning in the preceding
figure. They both connect two consecutive states and have a direction of flow
indicated by a little arrowhead on one end of the line. A dotted line additionally
denotes a system event.
When an application starts, it will always begin with create(). This is where the
initialization of the application should happen, such as loading assets into memory
and creating an initial state of the game world. Subsequently, the next state that
follows is resize(). This is the first opportunity for an application to adjust itself
to the available display size (width and height) given in pixels.
Next, Libgdx will handle system events. If no event has occurred in the meanwhile,
it is assumed that the application is (still) running. The next state would be
render(). This is where a game application will mainly do two things:
•  Update the game world model
•  Draw the scene on the screen using the updated game world model

Afterwards, a decision is made upon which the platform type is detected by Libgdx.
On a desktop or in a web browser, the displaying application window can be resized
virtually at any time. Libgdx compares the last and current sizes on every cycle so
that resize() is only called if the display size has changed. This makes sure that
the running application is able to accommodate a changed display size.
Now the cycle starts over by handling (new) system events once again.
Another system event that can occur during runtime is the exit event. When it
occurs, Libgdx will first change to the pause() state, which is a very good place
to save any data that would be lost otherwise after the application has terminated.
Subsequently, Libgdx changes to the dispose() state where an application should
do its final clean-up to free all the resources that it is still using.
This is also almost true for Android, except that pause() is an intermediate state
that is not directly followed by a dispose() state at first. Be aware that this event
may occur anytime during application runtime while the user has pressed the Home
button or if there is an incoming phone call in the meanwhile. In fact, as long as
the Android operating system does not need the occupied memory of the paused
application, its state will not be changed to dispose(). Moreover, it is possible
that a paused application might receive a resume system event, which in this case
would change its state to resume(), and it would eventually arrive at the system
event handler again.

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